I am going to start Thankful Thursday.
I feel like I am a very thankful person...I have lots of big and little things in my life that I am so thankful for...the problem is I am really bad about sharing my thankfulness with others.
I always have great intentions, but as the saying goes, "We are known by our actions...not our intentions..."
Let me explain what has brought this to the forefront of my brain.
My daughter's boss gave her tickets for a bunch of us "girls" to go to the Barry Manilow concert.
These weren't just any tickets...these were like the best seats in the house tickets...
It was amazing...and the whole night I keep thinking ...I have got to remember to send him a thank you note. Yes, I had thanked him in person...and yes, my daughter had thanked him but this really deserved a very personal thank you note.
Well, that was weeks ago and I had not even thought about that note until about 3:00 this morning...then the guilt started. I tried to think of some way that this could be my mother's fault..no, we never outgrow that...then I just had to admit...I had blew it.
I wrote that note today...but it now included as many apologies as it does thank yous.
So here is what I am going to try to do from this moment on...
Thankful Thursday...every Thursday I am going to try to sit down and write a thank you note to someone...I will let you know how it goes...anyone want to join me?
Are you good about writing thank you notes? Any helpful hints on how to remember to do it?
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